Highway to Hell

Yeah, yeah…you’re not going there…well…maybe some of you are!  As many of you know, I spend lots of time researching for my mystery/supernatural MERKABAH series. (The work-in-progress historical fiction also requires slavish research–but,...

Fiends from Hell

a summer of symbolism continues… Evil as pure thought–not so scary. Evil made  flesh—YIKES! Demons come in all shapes and sizes, offering a multitude of guises, but they all represent the darker side of man  We have a plethora of names for Evil from...

Lucky Charms

summer of symbolism continues… Need a little protective power?  Rabbit’s foot no longer workin’ for you? Good thing there’s a whole bunch of other symbolic accessories to fill the void. Amulets have been used to ward off evil and invoke fortune...

Ecuador’s Mythological Creatures

Spooks, goblins, and demons!  Every culture has them! Creepy and suspicious how the myths of so many counties and cultures are so very similar. Creatures from the Shadow World, Sacred Avatars, Nature Spirits, Hybrid Monsters…they’re out there. Since THE...

Mass Psychogenic Illness

AKA, MASS HYSTERIA! What is MPI? It’s a mysterious– and still unknown– psychological illness that mysteriously manifests in a group of people! And it spreads quickly! The most recent case was in 2012 and involved a group of teens at a high school in...

Angel Lore 3

  Angel: from the Greek angelos, which means messanger Fun facts: The Book of Enoch says angels were men, since they fell in-love with the “daughters of men.” (Together they produced angel half breeds, known as nephilim) When Mohammed was transported to...
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