Character Morality

Writers love creating characters. Personality. Physical Appearance. Dress. Mannerisms. Dialog: It’s what we do!  It’s how authors bring characters to life. But did you stop to think about your characters’ morality, or more specifically, what level of...

A Writer’s Taxonomy

Any teacher knows Bloom’s Taxonomy.  For those not in the teacher loop it’s how educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom classified the levels of thinking. Teachers use the classifications to foster and inspire students’ higher-level thinking skills....

Halloween Costumes for Writers

“Honey, did you forget about that Halloween party we’re invited to?” “Noooooo. Not tonight. I’m on a writing role. Can’t stop now.” “Your friends miss you. You need a break. And you have that crazy look in your eyes...

The Real Book Drive!

Writers should understand their readers’ preferences. This is often a difficult task. Some readers are faithful to one genre only. Others read everything from hardcore literary SciFi to romance. Readers can’t be pigeon holed. Or can they? Novels and cars...

Rx for Writing Blocks

Writer’s BLOCK.  It’s a phrase striking angst and fear into the hearts of writers. The inability to write—anything. The writer stymied, unable to move the plot along. BAH! Don’t allow that evil phrase to coil around your soul like a serpent....
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