Famous Failures

Failure! If you’re human you have experienced it. Hopefully, even learned from the experience. We are all familiar with the more famous success-after-multiple-failures stories like that of: Babe Ruth, who struck out 1,330 times but also hit 714 home runs.      ...


Some things never change! 2000 years ago, the ancient Romans cast off their tunics to luxuriate at the spa (aka, the Baths)  to gossip, drink wine, shop, and partake in an array of beauty rituals.   2013: We’re still doing the same thing. Oh sure, the...

Pantry Pandemonium

This bad-silly  poem is in response to a friend’s request.  Not the “badness”  mind you, but the topic. It’s a fearful subject for lots of moms.  The dreaded…the terrible…the pantry. Open up the door and beware! Look for ingredients...

Email etiquette

You know who I’m writing about. Those co-workers/friends/relatives/bosses who don’t know how to write an effective–repeat–effective email. The problem: Folks blast off emails before: 1) checking for typos; 2) assessing tone; 3) making...

Ice Cream Verse

 Ice cream, ice cream, creamy and sweet                                           nothin’  better to beat the heat.                                       Chocolate, strawberry, mocha, and praline                               no way to eat a bowl and still stay...

Job Skills vs. Personality traits

While perusing the web the other day, I found a FOX news article that listed the 10 job skills every employer wants. The list was sort of a no-brainer. But the list got me to thinking… The skills deemed important are not exclusive to employees....
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