The Perfect School Bag

If you could design the perfect tote to carry all your work/school/gym/office stuff what features would it have? Wish I could find the perfect tote bag for hauling around all my teacher essentials. I’ve only been looking for the perfect bag forever ( a...

20 Signs You’re an Adult

Found this gem of a website Here’s an example of just one of those funny lists. 1.Your house plants are alive, and you can’t smoke any of them. 2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question. 3. You keep more food than beer in the...

School Answering Message

Taking the day off to catch up on teacher and author responsibilities, BUT so as not to leave my faithful readers high and dry, I will share a funny video.  Any teacher will appreciate it. Sometimes, I wish I could leave something similar on my voice mail.  ...

Gadget Girl

This is Hubby’s name for me. He calls me Gadget Girl whenever I bring home another useful time-saving device.They are not gadgets! They are essential tools necessary for food preparation, female beatification, and household maintenance. Gadgets! Hmph! Such...

Denim Distress

Jeans! Love ‘em or hate ‘em? I used to love jeans. Wore them all the time when I was young. Faded. Stone washed. Bell bottom. Acid washed. Button fly. Shrink-to-fit. Yup. I had them all. Lived in denim. Just like my daughters do now. Then something happened! One day,...
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