The Supernatural

Supernatural, unearthly, alien, unworldly, mystical, the shadow world, the netherworld—call it what you will, we all believe in the existence of some other place—a location where other things outside our understanding exist. Don’t pretend you don’t believe. Everyone...

Ode to Stilettos

  Fabulous, beauteous stilettos perched on display  I would for you, give up most of my pay. Studded or suede or patent or shiny My feet would look ever so sleek and so tiny.   A pencil thin heel, a pointed toe If I bought you, just where might I go? There’s that...

Novel Wednesday

Myth and history collide  in my novel, The Merkabah Recruit. Often times, they are rooted and merged so deeply in ancient history and culture we can’t figure where one ends and the other begins. Add modern science to the mix and those fantastical myths are now...

Novel tidbits: Are you an empath?

Are you  an empath?You  are an empath if you have highly developed intuitive senses or sensory perceptions. All humans possess empathic characteristics to a certain extent. We all put on our game face-especially  in public, but an empath actually feels what another is...
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