‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

 Hubby’s family has a traditional midnight Christmas Eve celebration: Five hundred relatives ( OK, maybe I’m exaggerating just a little bit ), food-food-food, gifts for everyone, and gift exchange at midnight. So in honor of his family tradidion, I thought I...

Christmas Breakdowns

No! No! No! This blog post isn’t about emotional breakdowns, but rather how very odd that stuff around the house suddenly breaks days before Christmas. Like your stuff knows you are spending money and don’t have the time or spare cash for a repair....

Feeling Grinchy?

All that shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping,and family-time can make even the most festive person testy. So, here are a few words you can use when someone asks “How are you?” without sounding too bah-humbug!...

Mary of Nazareth

It’s  Fab Female Friday and with only several days left before Christmas, I had no choice but to write about Mary, Mother of God. Icon. Saint. Legendary Jewish mother. Naturally, everyone knows about the biblical Mary. The woman is an icon of epic proportions. Images...

Fab Female Friday-Mom

Mom shops for presents and wraps the gifts Some of which, she can barely lift. Mom buys the ribbons and the bows Locates the misplaced scissors and tape, she always knows.   To the mall, to the store, and back again Always careful about what she spends. Shopping...
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