christmas tree decorationsHubby’s family has a traditional midnight Christmas Eve celebration: Five hundred relatives ( OK, maybe I’m exaggerating just a little bit ), food-food-food, gifts for everyone, and gift exchange at midnight. So in honor of his family tradidion, I thought I would re-write


 ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (at our house)


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through our halls
Every occupant was busy texting, snap-chatting & making calls.
The stockings were lopsided and empty still
In hopes that Mom with goodies would fill.


The teenagers were nestled all snug with their phones
With visions of iPads, cash, and unlimited roam            
And mom in her yoga pants, and dad hungry to be fed
Had barely settled down for a long night ahead.


 When from the living room there arose such a clatter,
That everyone hollered from upstairs, “hey, what’s the matter?”
Away from the home office, ol’ Hubby did dash
Tore open the car door and stepped on the gas.


The streetlight on the asphalt of the dark cul-de-sac
Gave a luster of brightness to the car’s luggage rack.
Well, what did my questioning mind did I realize
But Hubby forgot a few gifts he just had to buy.


He’s a fast ol’ driver, still lively and quick
I knew in a moment he was playing old St. Nick.
More rapid than teens who vanish at the word “chore”
Hubby came back home and walked through the door.


Now  iTunes! Now Amazon! Now Best Buy! and Macys
 I have gift cards for anyone—see I’m not crazy!
Now let’s pack all the gifts into the car, no time to stall
It’s time for my family’s Midnight Christmas Eve celebration for all.

merry christmas


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