
Some things never change! 2000 years ago, the ancient Romans cast off their tunics to luxuriate at the spa (aka, the Baths)  to gossip, drink wine, shop, and partake in an array of beauty rituals.   2013: We’re still doing the same thing. Oh sure, the...

Girlie to-do list part 2

After reviewing yesterday’s whine, I realized I left out an important beauty routine. One that experts say “only takes 10 minutes” but which normal gals claim “no way!” My face! I’m not talking about the basics: wash,...

Girlie to-do list

Girls have too many beauty regiments! Part 1 The other day I went to the dentist, where the hygienist informed me that I needed to devote 3 minutes to brushing my teeth using small circular movements. Evidently, I am too aggressive in my brushing ritual.  I smiled...
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