Fun Literary Terms

WARNING: Not for the literary faint of heart!  Welcome all word nerds and novel geeks! For the more mundane terms, take a blog-quick jaunt through A Few Literature Terms. For die hard bibliophiles, bibliomaniacs, literati,or clerisy enjoy the brief tour through...

Household Symbolism

A man’s home is his/her castle. It’s also chock full of symbolic furnishings and doodads. Give your story some symbolic zing by being familiar with a few of the household symbolic heavyweights. Books: Wisdom and learning. Is the book old or new? Are pages torn out...

A Few Literary Terms

Know your craft! Know the terminology! It’s the cry heard at writers conferences. It’s no small task either because writing and reading requires subject knowledge of authorial techniques and other geeky stuff! Many literary terms reference books are...

Fire & Water

These powerful elements are fraught with symbolic significance, their meanings stemming from a myriad of religious beliefs, legends, and myths. Fire and water represent a world of power,destruction, ambiguity, duality, and divinity. Whether earthy or otherworldly,...

Got Symbol?

What EXACTLY is a symbol and how is it different from a metaphor? And what purpose do symbols serve? A symbol is the conscious and artful use of: other symbols ( see photo for some common examples) objects characters actions/events that represent something greater and...
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