Merkabah Facts

The most frequent question I’m asked is “What’s a Merkabah?” The short answer: The Merkabah is an ancient geometry and spiritual tool found in many religions. Pronounce it as though each syllable was its own word:  Mer …..kah….bah. The word comes from ancient Egyptian...

Skyway to Heaven

Two days ago, we made a really quick trip to fire and brimstone Hades. Today, our jaunt is ever so much more pleasant. Destination: Heaven. Aka Arcadia, Elysium, Utopia, Zion, Pearly gates, Paradise, Canaan, happy hunting ground,and a few other divine euphemisms....


What are chakras? These are the  energy fields in your body. They control and reveal our emotional, spiritual, physical or mental health.  There are 7 chakra locations: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown. Each is responsible for a different...
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