Zen and The Art of Manuscript Maintenance

Writing is more than just sitting down at the keyboard and typing. Writing is diving into the depths of your soul and embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly. Writing means peeling the onion layers of beliefs and emotions to expose its raw core—and then...

12 Signs Your WIP is Your Best Friend

Writers spend more time with their manuscripts than their best friends. Or maybe it’s that your work in progress is ever so much more needier and demands hours and hours and hours and hours of attention. *WIP stands for work in progress You spend every spare...

The Artistic Writer

One picture says a 1000 words. A luxury writers do not have. However writers have been known to get an idea to two from gazing at works of art. So in a silly effort to merge the two here are eleven famous paintings that describe the writing life.      ...

Where Art Thou?

Setting is more than just location! Usually when folks think of setting in the literary sense they think physical location. But setting is much more than that. Authors construct setting like they do characters and plot. Setting is a powerful element for establishing...

ABC’s of Writing

Aim high. Ambition + Ability = Accomplishment Block out time for writing. Make it a habit. Characterization. Names, dialog, physical descriptions, and actions all contribute to revealing character. For an in-depth look click CHARACTERIZATION. Despair not! No matter...
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