
Bought a juicer and I’m a juicin’ !!!

Feel healthier—mostly because I’m consuming so many more fruits and veggies.Wish I could take juicer to work, but juice loses optimal nutritional value after a few hours– so I usually make a big glass for breakfast ( I’m sure my sleeping family LOVES hearing the jet engines of the machine at 6 am) and when I return home in the evening.

A few of my favorite recipes.

1.Fresh cranberries and green apples!

2. Tomatoes, celery, kale, 1/2 an English cucumbers ( they’re never sour), ½ a lemon, wheat grass ( I have this almost everyday).  Skip the wheat grass & kale and it’s still delicious.   The lemon gives it tang.

3. Carrots, green apple, nub of ginger root

Who do you like better: Juice it Up  or Jamba Juice?

5:30 am cranberry & apple


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