Tips For Living With A Writer

“What’s this week’s blog about?” Hubby leans over my shoulder to look at the computer screen. “I got nothin’,” I say. “How about Tips for Living With A Writer?” “Am I that difficult to live with?”...

Xtreme Conference

Writers conferences provide inspiring and informative sessions and keynotes. Most include social media strategies, general publishing information, writing critiques, and query letter how to’s. But sometimes I wish they offered a bit more. Here’s a few...

Shades of Writer

Writers are never content with the mundane or pedestrian way of saying something. And neither do the words author or writer convey the joys and tortures of years spent slaving over manuscripts. Here’s a few colorful monikers I’ve come across while scouring...

9 Circles of Writing Hell

Today I don my Debbie Downer hat to discuss the circles of Writing Hell. Not surprising, the circle is an apt descriptor of the writing process because our thoughts go ’round and ’round…and ’round some more. The bad news: There is no escape for...

Conquering the Conference

Writers conferences are a wonderful chance to learn about the craft of writing and publishing industry. And if  you have the time and the funds I recommend attending a few. However, sometimes writers enter with closed minds. As a lifelong  student of life if someone...

Wonderful Writing World

A Trip to Writing Oz! Many writers approach novel writing like Dorothy. They are naïve, hopeful, idealistic, and enthusiastic, which are all admirable traits. But then the tornado of advice, information, do’s & dont’s, and publishing data sweeps you up...
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