Shocking Writer Transmutations

Writers evolve. They learn the craft, make mistakes, correct their errors, develop their voice, and learn some more. The process takes time ( years ), requires lots and lots of writing and hours and hours of reading. But what they don’t tell you is that a writer...

Psychopath, Entrepreneur or…Writer?

While researching personality traits for a main character I came across several articles about the similarities between psychopaths and entrepreneurs. Frightening, yes? Until I realized ambitious, goal-driven (or more accurately, obsessive) writers tend to fit the...

A Confucius Consultation

Once in a while, research done for my current work in progress inspires a blog topic. And whether you call it serendipity or synchronicity, often a few golden research nuggets found along the way prove to be quite inspirational! Here’s a few Chinese proverbs...

10 Can-Do Traits Every Writer Needs

There are 10 can-do traits that an employer looks for in a prospective employee. Those same 10 traits also apply to a wanna-be author with plans to begin and finish writing their novel. Below are the 10 traits and how they apply to the novel-writing process. Do you...

Making the Most of Your Writing Hours

“How do you find the time to write a novel while working full time?” I get asked this question ALL the time by coworkers, friends, and aspiring authors. Writing a novel is time-consuming. It takes a whole lot of perseverance and ambition and stamina and...
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