My wallet is FAT, heavy with plastic.
Not with credit cards—goodness no.
Bulky with those cards that EVERY store believes is necessary to hand out to receive “points,” “savings,” and “discounts.” They tell you the cards are “valuable” and “redeemable.” Whatever.
I don’t want any more plastic!
Stop with the cards already!
Plastic currently taking up space in my cashless wallet:
Starbucks card: $ remaining= 0.00
Price Club
ClubBev (used once )
Off Fifth
Sephora ( points add up when you buy for 2 daughters)
Ulta ( see above)
Staff ID
Those are the cards are in my wallet, another stack of plastic is in the purse’s side pocket. Gift cards! But I would NEVER complain about gift cards!
Yesterday, while I was buying something at the mall, the clerk asked for my zip code and email. I was paying cash! (Cash…you remember…it’s green, has wings, the government prints lots of it, and you don’t have any if you have teenagers.)
I digress.
I already get a zillion ( a slight exaggeration) emails from every store I ever purchased anything from. Does that form of marketing actually work? I just delete all the ads. Do you?
So back to my rant complaint about all those ever-so-important plastic cards.
I’m thinking about pairing down. Way down. I’ll just bundle them up and leave them in the glove box until I need them. But you know I’ll forget to take out that super saver plastic and I’ll be standing in line sans club card.
Just like I usually forget to bring in my cloth grocery bags. (They’re in the trunk–outta sight–outta mind. Plus, my mind is usually busy thinking about the novel I’m writing.)
How many super-saver-discount-value-preferred-rewards club cards are in your wallet?