better-of-beauty-calgon-take-me-away_-eeba_0Girls have too many beauty regiments! Part 1

The other day I went to the dentist, where the hygienist informed me that I needed to devote 3 minutes to brushing my teeth using small circular movements. Evidently, I am too aggressive in my brushing ritual.  I smiled sweetly, nodding my head in agreement. Yes, I’m thinking, three minutes to add to my already rushed beauty ritual in the morning.No problemo!

face washHere’s a list of stuff the experts advise that I do everyday.
  • Hairdresser: apply soothing oil to my tresses
  • Nail technician: apply moisturizing hand cream AND rub in cuticle cream/oil
  • Pedicurist: apply moisterizing cream to heels
  • Aesthetician: apply moisturizing face cream and exfoliate
  • Physician: exercise AND eat oatmeal
  • Dentist: floss
  • Hygienist: brush for 3 minutes in slow circular motion
  • Lady/Guy at the Mac Counter: use base coat before before applying makeup
Other activities random experts claim we must do:
  • meditate
  • eat fruit
  • eat vegetables
  • drink 8 glasses of water
  • drink herbal tea
  • take B-vitamin supplement
  • do yoga

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for all that stuff. I have a job! I need to leave  the house in the morning! I’m not a Kardashian who can spent hours on consuming beauty rituals.

I told my husband something had to give, that there’s simply not enough time in my day to get done everything I should ( moisturizing takes time). I’m thinking about eliminating grocery shopping from my daily activities–and cooking.

What’s your favorite or least favorite beauty ritual!

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