Construction Zone

I have a 53 mile round trip commute. Freeway construction really slows me down—often taking me more than an hour to get home. So what’s a writer to do while waiting in stopped traffic? Why imagine how construction signs mirror the writing process, of course! The...

Writing Fortress

The historical fiction I’m currently writing required extensive research on castles. And it struck me—somewhere between the first and second drafts—that the act of writing a novel shares many similarities with  the parts of a castle. The MOAT is a writer’s...

Word Spangled Banner

O say can you read by the computer’s LCD what so proudly we wrote during our last creative gleaming, whose broad themes and trite tropes shows the protag’s deep need, o’ver the keyboard we typed, with much symbolic meaning. And the misspellings red...

Perspectives in Reading

 Each reader brings his or her  unique perspective to a novel! Professors even discuss the impact and implications of these viewpoints in literature classes. Different cultures, education levels, interests, and experiences all influence the ways a reader understands a...

The Shape of Crazy

Writing, by its very nature, requires a bit—OK, a whole universe of Crazy! And, yes, Crazy is capitalized because it’s an entity—without form or substance—yet decidedly a force. In fact, all creative tasks are imbued with Crazy. Crazy takes many forms, many shapes....

Greek Geekery

You did it! You opened Pandora’s Box! You told EVERYONE you were writing a book! Now, how will you lord over your manuscript while Mounting the Olympian task? Which of the 13 Greek Gods most resemble your writing world ? Zeus  King of the Gods You plan on...
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