Whine Country Tour

Did a bit of wine tasting this weekend, which is always a fun way to unwind from the work week. While driving home  the next day, I was reminded of another kind of whine—WHINING.  Yup, writers love to  whine with their wine. And, naturally, writers have lots to...

Breakfast Beta Readers

Writers NEED beta readers! It’s near impossible for most of us to determine if our work in progress is horrid or brilliant—or somewhere in between. That’s why it’s soooo sweet when we find effective beta readers. Beta readers come in all shapes...

Collateral Damage

One of the many perils of writing is dealing with the fallout from months of obsessive…um…enthusiastic writing, rewriting, and tweaking. There’s lots of fabulous information about what writers should do, yet not too much about what we don’t!...

NFL Draft for Novels

Do you choose characters like an NFL draft? Let’s break it down! 1st Round Draft Picks: These are the BIG stars. In the football world, they have talent and that ‘it’ factor to get the team to the promised land (Super Bowl). The 1st round picks in...

The Artistic Writer

One picture says a 1000 words. A luxury writers do not have. However writers have been known to get an idea to two from gazing at works of art. So in a silly effort to merge the two here are eleven famous paintings that describe the writing life.      ...

The Real Comma Rules

Grammarians have been known to do battle over the vagaries of comma placement. Syntax skirmishes, semi-colon controversy, and other punctuation persnicketiness can get downright nasty! Good thing this post is about other kinds of commas! Writing, rewriting, editing,...
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