Writers love complaining and moaning, and I’ve done my share of that. But not today. Today I give thanks for the writing process.
- Waking up is fun. My mind is churning with words-words-words and plots-plots-plots.
- Coffee tastes good when I’m writing and even better when I’m editing.
- I’m never bored. There’s always a book to read and writing to be done.
- The internet is awesome. From finding the perfect mood music to taking a virtual tour to discovering a PDF file of a no-longer-in-existence text.
- My Smart Phone is a timesaver: I can surf the internet for research sites while standing in line at the grocery store.
- Facebook and Twitter make me laugh. Mostly.
- Straws. Yes, straws. When I’m writing I drink out of a straw. Less mishaps that way. I have reusable glass ones, so I even feel trendy while slurping.
- Microsoft Word. My college essays were written on a typewriter. I don’t know how writers managed to rewrite and edit back in the ‘old days.’
- My commute to work. It provides plenty of ( depending on traffic ) time to think, so when I arrive home I’m ready to hit the keyboard.
- Most of all, I’m thankful to have found an endeavor I’m passionate about .
What are YOU thankful for?
Related posts: Readin’ & Writin’
I don’t understand how people survived using typewriters either. So blessed to have a computer!! 0.o
I love your list and your focus for the day.
Thanks! Sometimes we just need to give thanks for little stuff.