by lzadmin | Apr 5, 2013 | Fabulous Females, Sassy Scholar
It’s Fab Female Friday! This week: Florence Lowe Barnes, aka Pancho. Maybe you’ve heard about this fearless gal! Aviatrix. Record breaker. Rancher. Stunt Flyer. Mom. Hollywood elbow-rubber. High-flyer. Pancho was born in Pasadena, California in 1901 and...
by lzadmin | Apr 4, 2013 | Life & Laughter
The closet! That small space where more stuff is jammed inside than any other room in the house. Occasionally, InStyle magazine will feature celebrity closets—a crystal chandelier-ed, fabulously lite, color-coordinated space the size of my garage—but I...
by lzadmin | Apr 3, 2013 | Life & Laughter
Spring Cleaning! Some tackle the garage. Some vacuum behind every cushion on the couch, or wipe the blinds, or clean the drapes. Seems like an awful lot of work. My idea of spring cleaning? My closet! Discarding the frayed, the old, the too tight, and the...
by lzadmin | Apr 2, 2013 | Life & Laughter
They lay in the darkness, live in the gloom of the least-used drawer in the spare bathroom. The make-up I purchased but never wore and never returned to the beauty store. Lipsticks so garishly pink when I bought it, did I pause to think? Lipsticks a ghastly...
by lzadmin | Apr 1, 2013 | Life & Laughter
Failure! If you’re human you have experienced it. Hopefully, even learned from the experience. We are all familiar with the more famous success-after-multiple-failures stories like that of: Babe Ruth, who struck out 1,330 times but also hit 714 home runs. ...