Dog Days of Writing

Has your writing gone to the dogs? Are you in need of some insPAWration? There are days when—doggone it—writers feel like they’re workin’ like a dog with nothing to show for it.     IN THE DOG HOUSE Is your manuscript on a genre...

Candy, Clarity, & Creativity

Standing in front of candy-filled shelves is a good place to contemplate, because therein lies every writer’s story.   A WRITER’S TALE   Once upon a time, you heard the  of your friends upon announcing you were writing a novel. They didn’t...

Character Morality

Writers love creating characters. Personality. Physical Appearance. Dress. Mannerisms. Dialog: It’s what we do!  It’s how authors bring characters to life. But did you stop to think about your characters’ morality, or more specifically, what level of...

A Writer’s Taxonomy

Any teacher knows Bloom’s Taxonomy.  For those not in the teacher loop it’s how educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom classified the levels of thinking. Teachers use the classifications to foster and inspire students’ higher-level thinking skills....

Handy-Dandy Responses

On rare occasions, writers may leave their creative cave joining with friends and family to partake of festivities and merriment. On said occasions these friends/family are bound to ask casual questions about your writing, novel in progress, and/or your current...

Halloween Costumes for Writers

“Honey, did you forget about that Halloween party we’re invited to?” “Noooooo. Not tonight. I’m on a writing role. Can’t stop now.” “Your friends miss you. You need a break. And you have that crazy look in your eyes...
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