Character Illness

Have you created a character who  sickens and/or dies? Or maybe a character—for plot’s sake—just has TO GO! Make it awesome by having their illness be SYMBOLIC or IRONIC or DIVINE . Writers often use illness to reveal a character’s: flaws or...

Character Descriptions

YOU see the characters in your mind…more importantly, does the reader? And is it necessary they see your vision? Although physical descriptions and a thorough biographical summary of each major character is found in older fiction, the current trend is to reveal...

Character Names

You have a great idea for a story! Now you just have to give those characters names! Name them with purpose! Names are important! Why?     A name can: identify 1) personality; 2) temperament; 3) a physical trait; or 4) a character flaw or strength. be...


Yep! I made that word up. Writers can do that! Authorveillance: noun: Observing human interaction and/or individuals for the express purpose of using their mannerisms, speech patterns, physique, appearance, personality, problems, or quirks in your next novel....

Leadership & Authorship

I’m helping students analyze  Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage. The book chronicles the amazing survival and struggles of  28 men stranded on the Antarctic ice floes for almost 2 years during a 1914 expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton....
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