Biblical Allusions

In the western world, Christianity and the Bible are engrafted in our collective conscience. Most people—even non believers—know a bible story or two, which is why writers add depth and complexity with its timeless themes, stories, and iconic names. The...

One-liners for Writers

Iconic movie lines. Everybody knows them. We all quote them. And as writer’s we understand the value of a great one-liner. Famous movie lines also come in handy during  the course of a  writer’s day. Here’s a few of my favorites, served with a side...

Idea Vault

Writers have a plethora of ideas. Idea Bombs usually come at odd times–when driving, during a conversation, at work, or while drifting off to sleep. It never fails, one minute you’re engrossed in some task, the next–kapow!— an explosion of...

Genre Breed

Agents, publishers, bookstores, and Amazon require authors to identify a novel’s genre. It’s not always an easy task. Wouldn’t it be great if genres were as easy to classify as dogs?  By replacing the word genre with breed writers will identify...

Rx for Writers

Pharmaceutical  companies spend bazillions of dollars researching, experimenting, testing, and marketing drugs to cure all our ailments. Wouldn’t it be great if they made medications to cure some common writing woes? Here’s a few suggestions. 1. Proseac:...

A Writer’s Prayer

Our Muse who lives in GenreZion we offer coffee in your name. Let our plots and characters come, and your creative will be done, on Amazon and as it is in social media. Give us this day our daily word count and forgive us our typos and grammar errors as we forgive our...
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