Pompous job titles

At a fabulous party the other day, a good looking someone claimed he was a “warranty analyst” when I asked what he did for a living. “What’s that?” I inquired seeking clarification. The person hemmed and hawed; I remained clueless. Customer service,...

Foodie Tuesday-Juicing

Juicing! Bought a juicer and I’m a juicin’ !!! Feel healthier—mostly because I’m consuming so many more fruits and veggies.Wish I could take juicer to work, but juice loses optimal nutritional value after a few hours– so I usually make a big glass for...

Climate Controlled Offices

Do you love or hate climate controlled offices? What a great age we live in! In the summer my office is cold! In the the winter, my office is freezing! Yes, I live in Southern California where there are 2 seasons a year! And I think–I”m fairly...


Went on my first-ever balloon ride the other day. I have a bit of vertigo—a bit, means I can’t look either straight down or straight up without getting a tad dizzy—so it might be surprising that ballooning was on my bucket list. But it was. We are on-site at 5:30 in...

Conference Bound

Tomorrow I head off to the Romance Writers of America conference in Anaheim. I’m looking forward to attending some great workshops and meeting agents and publishers. One of my favorite authors—James Rollins—will speak about putting more thrill in your thrillers. It...

Fashionable Birthdays

Went into my closet today—OK, I do that every day—and wanted to haul all the old dump-frumpy, too conservative, hideous print, too tight crap OUT! However, that would leave me with a handful of items in black. This birthday is going to be difficult. When I was...
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