Feminine Forgery

Fab Female Friday! A mom’s gotta do, what a mom’s gotta do! Even back in the mid 1600’s! Mary Peck Butterworth had seven children and a hubby whose paycheck didn’t cover the bills. The cost of living was sky high—an economic hardship to...

Snack-happy Son Goes to Costco

“I’m off to Costco! Any requests?”  I shout from the  family room. Thump-thump-thump. Footsteps tread down the stairs. “I’m goin’ with you, mom,” teen son informs me. My eyes narrow, instantly suspicious. “Why?”...

London Calling

 While mom slogs away editing 2nd novel, writing 3rd, & teaching, most-fortunate 1st daughter is enjoying an all-expense paid trip to England and Paris! ( courtesy of beneficent grandma) So direct from fabulous, oh-so-chic London, 1st daughter kidnapped my blog to...

Multi-tasking Flunky

Confessions of a Multi-tasking Flunky Life moves at warp speed. Multi-tasking skills are required to keep up with everything! Writing-Blogging-Teaching, the hours dash by in a frantic blur. I try to multi-task, but end up making more work for myself....

Student Translations

We’ve all read the “She Says…She Means…” funnies that make their way around the email and Facebook circuit–and they’re always good for a laugh. Here’s my teacher-student version. Related Posts:Job Skills vs Personality...
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