by lzadmin | May 3, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
Angel: from the Greek angelos, which means messanger Fun facts: The Book of Enoch says angels were men, since they fell in-love with the “daughters of men.” (Together they produced angel half breeds, known as nephilim) When Mohammed was transported to...
by lzadmin | May 1, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
We are all familiar with the big-name angels like Gabriel and Michael, but there’s a whole angelic host with some pretty impressive creds to their name. But first, a fun fact: God assigns some angels to Hell, just as there are fallen angels hanging out in Heaven...
by lzadmin | May 1, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
Specific angels exist for each: day of the week, month, phase of the moon, season, planet, zodiac, 4 directions, and hour of the day! In fact, there’s an angel for just about any occasion! Our history is rife with lore about angels’ victories, meetings,...
by lzadmin | Apr 29, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
We are familiar with the 2 most famous archangels, Michael and Gabriel, but according to liturgical sources, there are 8 Princes of the Archangel Order. Metatron This angel has several titles. Prince of Angels, Angel of the Covenant, Chancellor of Heaven. He’s...
by lzadmin | Apr 28, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
Angel week: Day 2 Yesterday’s blog gave a brief overview of Metatron, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. Angel fun fact: Most angel names end with the suffix “el,” which translates as “of God.” The next 4 Princes of the celestial order are:...