by lzadmin | Jun 5, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
Spooks, goblins, and demons! Every culture has them! Creepy and suspicious how the myths of so many counties and cultures are so very similar. Creatures from the Shadow World, Sacred Avatars, Nature Spirits, Hybrid Monsters…they’re out there. Since THE...
by lzadmin | Jun 3, 2013 | Engaging Enigmas
AKA, MASS HYSTERIA! What is MPI? It’s a mysterious– and still unknown– psychological illness that mysteriously manifests in a group of people! And it spreads quickly! The most recent case was in 2012 and involved a group of teens at a high school in...
by lzadmin | May 31, 2013 | Sassy Scholar
Humans are a psychotic bunch! Many of us are stressed and frantic. Oh, lucky and blessed are the rare individuals who possess a Zen-like demeanor and state of being. Have humans always been stressed-out? You know it! Even THOUSANDS of years ago! Yup! There’s...
by lzadmin | May 28, 2013 | Life & Laughter
“You got mail from Victoria’s Secret!” I shout to my daughter as I wave a small envelope. She bounds down the stairs and swipes it from my hands. “Oh! It’s my new bikini!” Bikini? I’m holding a small flat envelope in my hands....
by lzadmin | May 23, 2013 | Life & Laughter
Taking the 5th! Pleading the 5th amendment is useful if you’re a politico or scapegoat or tipster sitting in the Hot Seat! While driving to work, I listened as the radio broadcast a government employee invoking the 5th and I thought, “Well, that came in...