by lzadmin | Oct 16, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times! Oh, the drama of the family meal! People eating and drinking together is tasty with yummy symbolism. Why is that, you ask? In ancient times, sharing one’s meal symbolized hospitality and goodwill. Certain foods,...
by lzadmin | Oct 13, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
WATER is symbolic! You know that! We use water to bless, baptize, cleanse, and purify. Authors use a dunk under water to indicate a character’s spiritual change or spiritual rebirth! A character might: dance in the rain, indicating joy at their new lease on...
by lzadmin | Oct 9, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
“Ain’t no river wide enough…ain’t no mountain high enough…to keep you away from me, babe.” We know it’s not a real river or mountain but a symbolic obstacle to overcome. Geography is more than just the setting of your novel!...
by lzadmin | Oct 7, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
Weather is more than just the change of atmospheric conditions! It’s fraught with symbolism—especially bad weather. Need to portend a change? Use weather! A few quick examples: The crack of thunder after a character’s ominous OR foreboding OR creepy...
by lzadmin | Oct 2, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
BaM! SmAcK! POW! Violence! We love it! And in many genres it’s 100% necessary! Most of us include some type of violence in our novels. In literature, violence can be: thematic: Think Fight Club or The Old Testament or Heart of Darkness or The Things They...