Making Eyes

Eyes are powerful symbols. The mere glance glimmer gawk gaze ogle glare bore focus beam sparkle peek peer look goggle gape leer ( did I miss any?) reveals a character’s emotions. No wonder the eyes are the windows of the soul. But there’s more to eyes...

Word Lists & Helps

Folks–writers and students–seem to like my word lists, so here they are in easily accessible jpeg and pdf form. DEAD Words: blah words that just don’t really do anything for your prose or academic paper. dead word list pdf  Commonly Confused Words:...

A Few Literary Terms

Know your craft! Know the terminology! It’s the cry heard at writers conferences. It’s no small task either because writing and reading requires subject knowledge of authorial techniques and other geeky stuff! Many literary terms reference books are...

Fire & Water

These powerful elements are fraught with symbolic significance, their meanings stemming from a myriad of religious beliefs, legends, and myths. Fire and water represent a world of power,destruction, ambiguity, duality, and divinity. Whether earthy or otherworldly,...

7 Deadly Sins of Writing

Nothin’ takes you to Writing Hell faster! pride envy wrath sloth avarice gluttony lust According to medieval theology, the original 7 deadly sins lead to spiritual death. According to writer theology, succumbing to the the 7 deadly sins of writing leads to a...
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