by lzadmin | Jan 8, 2014 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
From “Love is Blue” crooned by Frank Sinatra to “My World is Blue” by White Trash Clan to “Yellow” sung by Coldplay to “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree” performed by Tony Orlando to “It’s Not Easy...
by lzadmin | Jan 5, 2014 | Reading & Writing
WARNING: Not for the literary faint of heart! Welcome all word nerds and novel geeks! For the more mundane terms, take a blog-quick jaunt through A Few Literature Terms. For die hard bibliophiles, bibliomaniacs, literati,or clerisy enjoy the brief tour through...
by lzadmin | Jan 4, 2014 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
Writing is fun! Line editing—not so much. Many new writers are adrift on an ocean of punctuation and capitalization errors. Swimming though a shark-infested murky sea of comma and grammar rules is fraught with em-dash typhoons and ellipses tidal waves....
by lzadmin | Dec 29, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
There’s a great book titled How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, by Michael J. Gelb, that I pulled down from my bookshelf the other day. ( I must have been feeling genius-deprived and needed some da Vinci wisdom.) Flipping...
by lzadmin | Dec 26, 2013 | Reading & Writing, ROCK your Writing
A man’s home is his/her castle. It’s also chock full of symbolic furnishings and doodads. Give your story some symbolic zing by being familiar with a few of the household symbolic heavyweights. Books: Wisdom and learning. Is the book old or new? Are pages torn out...