Valentine’s Day Gifts for Writers

In the old days, writers discussed literature on the Left Bank—which would be a great name for Hipster Coffee Shop—smoked cigarettes and possibly used words like gestalt and hamartia. Today, we hunker down with our laptops, talk literature via Social...

From Head to Toe

The body is a temple. We’ve all heard the expression. And everybody knows a temple is place for worship, a place to access the Divine. Even Apostle Paul said, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received...

10 Commandments for Writers

Moses had a Divine Agent—that’s the only way he could get published! And talk about a Best Seller! Why, there’s still controversy about his work thousands of years later. But for those of us writers still wondering in the literary desert for that...

Writer’s Hand Signals

When writers are on a roll—watch out! We don’t like to stop for fear of losing our train of thought, especially if we’re having one of those days when we can’t type fast enough! You know what I’m talking about! The entire scene is...

21 Rules for Writers

Most people are familiar with the 21 Rules For a Successful Life. It’s Feel Good advice, chock full of wisdom for the average person. But writers are a different breed. We are not bound by pedestrian counsel. Here’s an author’s take: 1. Marry the...
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