A Writer’s Prayer

Our Muse who lives in GenreZion we offer coffee in your name. Let our plots and characters come, and your creative will be done, on Amazon and as it is in social media. Give us this day our daily word count and forgive us our typos and grammar errors as we forgive our...


  Definition: Intense attraction to reading. Condition is  brought on with the protracted need—intellectual and physical—to ingest words, plots, and meaning. Symptoms show a marked increase with the introduction of  e-reader ownership and free...

Beverage & Book Pairings

There’s nothing like enjoying a drink—both alcoholic and non alcoholic—while reading! Restaurant managers are smart to suggest wine pairings for menu items. And like food for your stomach, words are food for your soul. The following is a list of...

What Kind Of Conference Attendee Are You?

The best place to get the latest publishing scoop is at a writer’s conference. There’s tons to choose from and they happen all over the world! Large, medium, small, intimate, or intimidating, writers go to meet other writers, attend workshops, and listen...


We all have our own reading styles and preferences. Some will read anything, while others stick to a favorite genre. You can read a book fast, skimming over the paragraphs or take it slow, savoring the words in a well-crafted sentence. What kind of reader are YOU?...
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