The Archangels

We are familiar with the 2 most famous archangels, Michael and Gabriel, but according to liturgical sources, there are 8 Princes of the Archangel Order. Metatron This angel has several titles. Prince of Angels, Angel of the Covenant, Chancellor of Heaven. He’s...

The Archangels-2

Angel week: Day 2 Yesterday’s blog gave a brief overview of Metatron, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. Angel fun fact:  Most angel names end with the suffix “el,” which translates as “of God.” The next 4 Princes of the celestial order are:...

Angel Hierarchy

Supernatural. Unearthly. Alien. Unworldly. Mystical. The Shadow World. The Netherworld—call it what you will, we all believe in the existence of some other place—a location where other things outside our understanding exist. Don’t pretend you don’t believe! Everyone...

The Supernatural

Supernatural, unearthly, alien, unworldly, mystical, the shadow world, the netherworld—call it what you will, we all believe in the existence of some other place—a location where other things outside our understanding exist. Don’t pretend you don’t believe. Everyone...
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